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Our Team

Eduardo Afanador Iriarte (Partner)

Industrial Engineer from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and Master in Economics from the University of Wales (Great Britain). Consultant with extensive experience in the energy sector in the fields of policy, regulation and markets, both for state entities and private sector agents. Internationally he has served as a consultant to the World Bank, IDB and consulting firms in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Central American Regional Market, Nicaragua and Guyana, as well as a panelist in workshops in Chile, Peru, China, Mexico and the United States.


He served as Expert Commissioner and Executive Director of the Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission - CREG - of Colombia. He was involved in the development and implementation of the regulatory framework for the natural gas, electricity and propane gas (LPG) sectors between August 1995 and April 1999. He was also Secretary General of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia between September 1994 and August 1995.

In the field of renewable energies, he advised between 2013 and 2014 to the UPME (Mining and Energy Planning Unit of Colombia), in the framework of the IDB Project for the promotion of Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources FNCER, for the definition of a strategy. He was also an advisor to the World Bank (Short Term Consultant) before the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) of Mexico for the implementation of the Law for the Use of Renewable Energies and the Financing of the Energy Transition in the Electricity Market, 2009 - 2010 and 2010 - 2011 and the elaboration of a preliminary study on alternatives for contracting renewable energies through auctions. In the advisory and consulting services provided in Peru, Central America and Guyana, the consideration of renewable energies in the policy and regulatory frameworks has been a key element.

Juan Eduardo Afanador Restrepo (Partner)

Industrial Engineer and Master from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) with emphasis in Statistics and Operations Research. During 2014 and 2015 he was a consultant for the IDB on electricity sector issues including the coordination of the project "Analysis, evaluation and recommendations for the implementation of Smart Grids in Colombia", and provided support to the Energy Division (INE/ENE) of the Bank in the consolidation and analysis of relevant information of the Colombian electricity sector for the preparation of loan and technical cooperation documents associated with energy efficiency projects (Archipelago of San Andres) and access to energy (We are all Pazcífico).


Since October 2013, he has been working in the energy sector as an Associate Consultant and member of the PE3 S.A.S. team on issues such as modeling of distribution charges, electric energy commercialization and investments as part of the valuation process of companies in the Colombian electricity sector, projection of fuel prices for electricity generation in Colombia, analysis of the potential for distributed self-generation from palm oil extraction plants and characterization of the electricity, natural gas and propane gas (LPG) markets in Colombia.

Project-oriented team

PE3 is able to form specialized work teams, oriented to achieve the objectives of each project. 

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